Your Evangelism checklist
“Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NIV) We know we should spread the Gospel, but we often don’t because we don’t know how to do this. Below are some simple steps you can take to fulfill Christ’s command.
1. Mail a postcard to “current resident” Ideally, you should make a connection and establish a relationship with others before you share the Gospel. However, if you don’t know your neighbors and are finding it difficult to introduce yourself, you can still do something. Write “Current Resident” and their address on a postcard, invite them to attend services at the Destin Church of Christ, 150 Beach Drive, Destin, FL 32541 at 9 AM. Place a stamp on the postcard and drop it in the mailbox. | 5. Use social media (part 2) In the previous step, we asked you to establish and use your social media accounts to check in and invite people to church. The church has social media accounts, too! Be sure to visit those sites, like, and share them. Google “Destin Church of Christ” and on the right bottom half of the results, you will see “Reviews”. Be sure to click the “Write a review” button and leave a review to let others know about how the church can help them learn about and develop a relationship with Christ. |
2. Mail a postcard to your neighbors If you have gotten out enough in the community so that you know the names of some of your neighbors, invite them to church by writing a personal note. Include the church’s address and times of service. Place a stamp on it and drop it in the mailbox. | 6. Talk to someone As we mentioned in step 1, ideally, you should make a connection and establish a relationship before you share the Gospel. So, talk to someone you don’t know or don’t know well. Ask them about their family, what they do to earn a living, and what their hobbies are. Remember their name and listen to their answers. |
3. Give your neighbor a flyer If you’d like to take the next step to make personal contact, then you can save yourself the price of a postage stamp and hand your neighbor a flyer with the church’s address and worship times. Another approach is to leave this under the windshield wiper of their car. Just be careful not to damage their property. You can also ask local businesses to post the flyer, too. | 7. Pray for someone Pray for someone who you’ve recently met or gotten to know a little better. Ask God to find a way to help that person develop a deeper relationship with Christ. For extra credit, go back to step 6, let them know you’re praying for them and ask if there is anything specific they’d like you to include in your prayers. |
4. Use social media (part 1) If you’d like to reach a wider audience but still aren’t comfortable with direct human interaction, then posting on your social media account may be the thing for you. Of course, it helps to have some social media accounts. So, create Facebook and Instagram accounts. Check in when you are at church, and post invites. | 8. Invite someone to church It can be awkward to invite someone to church, especially if you’ve known them for a while and have never invited them to church before. One way to make this less awkward is to let them know about a special event the church is having and invite them to these special events. |